The Kaiwi State Scenic Shoreline Rockfall Hazard and Mitigation Design Project submitted by Hart Crowser.
Touted for its natural splendor, the Kaiwi State Scenic Shoreline is a prized resource whose preservation is of the highest priority. To the State Department of Land and Natural Resources, preservation includes taking care of the environment and the public who want to enjoy the resource. The State was undertaking a major project to improve and renovate the 2-mile-long pathway leading to the spectacular Makapu’u Lighhouse overlook, and became concerned about rockfall hazards along the path. Not wanting to blindly apply unsightly rockfall fencing or netting in such a setting, Hart Crowser was able to adapt three established systems of analysis in order to determine which hazards posed the highest risk, design mitigation strategies for these hazards, and manage the construction for this project in just five short months in order to stay o budget and fulfill DLNR’s needs.