December General Membership Meeting
Our next general membership meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 4, at the Oahu Country Club. The GMM will feature a presentation, “Doing Work with

ACECH November 2024 President’s Message
As the holiday season approaches, there’s a buzz of excitement in the air—and plenty of momentum carrying us into the new year! The ACEC Fall

Join us at the AIA-ACECH-GCA Pau Hana on November 14. There will be light pupus and beverages provided by Ferguson Hawaii and their vendors as

November General Membership Meeting
Save the date for our November General Membership Meeting on 11/13 at the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii. Swing by for lunch, networking, and a

UH-Hilo Engineering Program Updates Meeting
Join us for an exciting event at Engineering Partners, Inc. where Brennon Morioka and Doug Simons will be sharing the latest updates on the UHH

ACECH October 2024 President’s Message
Aloha ACECH Members, Fall is here, bringing even more exciting news for ACECH member firms! Our fifth Emerging Leaders Program Cohort will be presenting their