The AIA–ACECH–GCA Committee has invited Walter Thoemmes, Managing Director of Planning, Industry, and Development for Kamehameha Schools, to present an update to Kamehameha School’s development plans in areas of Kaka’aako, Kapalama, Moilili, Waipahu, and Keauhou, and sharing KS’s focus on key industry investments to members of AIA, ACECH, and GCA on May 15 at The Pacific Club. There will be a networking pau hana event following the presentation. The committee is seeking sponsors to help defray the cost of the event for attendees.
Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Time: 4:00 to 6:30 pm
4:00 pm – Check-in
4:15 pm – Presentation
5:15 pm – Pau Hana
6:30 pm – Event ends
Location: The Pacific Club
(1451 Queen Emma St., Honolulu, HI 96813)
Event Photos:
ACECH Members: $50/person
Register By: April 30, 2024
No refunds after 4/30/2024, but substitutions allowed.
Questions? Email Ginny at gwright@acechawaii.org
Event Sponsorship – $500
- Registration for two (2) to the event – includes pupus and two drink tickets per person ($100 value)
- Company logo to be featured on:
- Event marketing emails sent to AIA, ACECH, and GCA members*
- Event registration page on each association’s website
- Signange at the event
- Slideshow on screen during event registration
- Verbal recognition during the program
*Sponsorship payment must be received by Wednesday, April 10, to be included on the first email blast announcement
If you have any questions, please contact Kyle Kaneshiro at kyle@tlcghawaii.com or Dayna Nemoto-Shima at dayna@pacificgeotechnical.com
Sponsorship deadline for day-of events benefits is May 1, 2024.
Walter Thoemmes, Managing Director, Planning, Industry, and Development
Aina Pauahi – Kamehameha Schools’ Real Estate Portfolio
Walter Thoemmes III is the managing director of the Planning, Industry and Development team, responsible for value creation across Kamehameha Schools’ $6.0B real estate portfolio, consisting of 371,000 acres of commercial, agricultural and conservation lands located on 5 islands in Hawaiʻi.
His current work involves advancing planning, development and investments for KS land holdings in Mōʻiliʻili, Kapālama, Waipahū, Waiawa, Kāhala, Keauhou, Keauhou, and He‘eia, creating portfolio value and income to support the educational mission; connecting student learning to business and work opportunities; and, creating communities through thoughtful planning and strategic partnerships. He also oversees direct KS investment to key industries, like food systems and creative industries, partnering with local entrepreneurs and promoting a circular economy.
Employed at KS for 25 years, Thoemmes most recently led KSʻ commercial real estate team, which has now merged with the agriculture and conservation teams to form ʻĀina Pauahi. He has previously held roles of chief of staff to the CEO, and director of Facilities Development & Support. He has been involved in major projects such as the development of Our Kakaʻako, the Kā Pua Initiative in Waiʻanae, and the Maui and Hawaiʻi campuses.
A 1984 alumnus of KS, Thoemmes went on to graduate from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s School of Architecture and worked as a licensed architect for 7 years prior to joining KS.