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Blueprints & Birdies Classic Golf Tournament

U.S. CAD presents the BLUEPRINTS & BIRDIES CLASSIC, an industry golf tournament mixing teams from AIA Honolulu, ACECH, and the GCA of Hawaii. Tee off for camaraderie and fun with our design and engineering industry colleagues!

February 2, 2024
10:30 a.m.
: Registration & Lunch
12:00 p.m.: Shotgun Start
End of Play: Dinner & Awards

Hawaii Prince Golf Club
91-1200 Fort Weaver Rd
Ewa Beach, HI 96706

Tournament Sponsor

Team of 2 Players

  • Register one (1) team of two (2) PLAYERS
  • Recognition as a Tournament Sponsor on the AIA and GCA websites and social media
  • Company logo on tournament banner
  • Company logo in program
  • Two (2) tee signs with company logo
  • Bento lunch provided
  • Seats at the 19th hole celebration for your team
  • Ability to include company logo item in the swag bag for every player (150 qty.)
  • Company recognition on the AIA and GCA websites
  • Company name listed in program
  • Bento lunch provided
  • Seats at the 19th hole celebration for your team

Lunch Sponsor

Beverage Cart Sponsor

  • Company logo on the bento lunch (company to provide stickers or logo file)
  • Recognition as the lunch sponsor on AIA and GCA websites and social media
  • Company logo displayed in program
  • Ability to provide two (2) employees to drive the beverage cart during the tournament
  • Ability to brand the beverage cart (one tee sign with company logo provided; option to add additional embellishments provided by company)

Tee Sponsor

On-Course Hospitality

  • Company logo on one (1) tee sign
  • Recognition as a tee sponsor in tournament program
  • Provide yummy food and a variety of beverages (ideally fermented) to the golfers on the course (sponsor’s responsibility)
  • Bring all of your own supplies (pop-up tent, tables, chairs, coolers, company promo items, etc.)
  • Promote your business and network with clients and potential clients!

    For more information or to sign up for On-Course Hospitality, please email contact@aiahonolulu.org


Six players will be assigned to play together (one team each from AIA, ACECH, and GCA) and you may request to be matched with other association teams. Each group will be comprised of 2 AIA members + 2 GCA members + 2 ACECH members. We will try to accommodate your request, however, there are no guarantees.

At least one member of the team must belong to the association they are playing for.

24 Teams Max from each association.
This tournament is a scramble:

  • Both players on your team tee off on every hole.
  • Pair chooses the best shot and marks the spot.
  • The other team member moves their ball to the chosen spot and both players hit from there.
  • This process is repeated until the first ball of the pair is holed.