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ACECH February President’s Message

Aloha and Happy Chinese New Year, thank you very much for your membership to ACECH and ACEC. It
is a great organization to belong to thanks to you. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to serve.
Hope everyone is doing well, staying busy and having FUN!

February is an exciting month for Engineers and ACECH. We have Engineers Week, ACECH Engineering
Excellence Awards Gala, a special visit from Vice Chair Melvin Williams, P.E., and our Legislature is in full

We would like to congratulate all of you on Engineering’s Week, without the work you do on the public
and private side, humanity would be in a dark place (thank you Electrical Engineers). Our primary
goal has and will always be Life Safety, the work that you do in our community upholds those standards.
This allows us to take for granted everyday tasks of walking on sidewalks, driving on our roads, going
down stairs, drinking water, cooking our meals, shopping, sheltering from the elements and virtually all
of our daily activities have been made safe and easy, thanks to you, Thank You Engineers for all that you

We were happy to announce that we celebrated our Engineering Excellence Awards with a very well
attended Gala on February 4 th at the Japanese Cultural Center. We would like to congratulate all award
recipients and a special congratulations to R.M. Towill Corporation for receiving the 2023 Grand
Conceptor Award for their design of the Kapalama Container Terminal Yard – Congratulations! We
would also like to thank all of our sponsors for their generosity and those who helped put this wonderful
event together. Most of all we would like to thank you for your participation and continued support of
ACECH – Thank you.

We were honored to have the presence of Melvin Williams, P.E., Vice Chair of ACEC at our EEA Gala
event, what an honor. Mel was also able to help put together a presentation of member benefits for
our GMM Breakfast on February 6. Thank you very much Mel and to all those who participated.
Our Legislature is in full swing, the pace at which they work and the volume of bills they work with is
incredible. Thanks to our superhuman Legislative Committee team chaired by Charles Jury, P.E., we are
staying on top of the legislative items that affect us and our industry. Thank you very much Charles and
our hardworking Legislative Committee team – these incredible guys and gals give new meaning to
working 24/7.

Thank you very much for entrusting us with the opportunity to serve for such a great organization.
Wishing you the best for 2023.