Haley & Aldrich specializes in geotechnical engineering and environmental/natural resources consulting, and has provided services in all 50 states and internationally. Haley & Aldrich (formerly dba in Hawai'i as Hart Crowser) provides our clients with the capacity and technical strength of 700 highly regarded engineers and scientists nationwide, while our strong local experience and expertise means we understand local issues and how to succeed at Hawai'i and Pacific projects. Geotechnical specialties include deep foundations and shoring; landslide and rockfall mitigation; waterfront projects, and performance-based seismic design. Environmental engineering and consulting services include investigation/remediation; stormwater consultation; regulatory compliance; and environmental planning/permitting. Natural resources services include biological surveys; wetlands delineation; habitat restoration; monitoring during construction; and protection plans.
Haley & Aldrich
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