Alicia Suzuki, Project Manager of Kennedy Jenks was named one of five recipients of the ACEC Young Professional of the Year Awards! The award strives to promote the accomplishments of young engineers by highlighting their engineering contributions and the resulting impact on society.
Alicia earned a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. She currently serves as President of the Water Environment Federation Hawaii (WEF) and the Hawaii Water Environment Association (HWEA), exercising her leadership role in guiding the local engineering community to maximize the beneficial impacts in Hawaii and protect the environment through wastewater treatment.
Alicia has also taken on a leadership role at Kennedy Jenks’ wastewater and water practice in Hawaii. Her projects have necessitated personal research supported by her educational background to develop meaningful solutions for clients. She has demonstrated good judgement on situations that benefited from seeking the company’s specialized wastewater practices and expertise.